Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Rachel: Experiments for 1st Grade

Experiment: Super Plants
Type of Experiment: Botanical


o 4 crystal glasses
o 1 white rose or a white flower.
o 4 different colour dyes.
o 1 elastic rubber
o Water
o Scissors


1. Fill the 4 glasses with water up to ¾ of the glass.
2. Add 12 drops of colour in each glass. Different colour in each glass.
3. With the help of an adult, cut its stem, divided into 4.
4. Place the flower’s stem in each glass.
5. Leave it for 3 days.
6. At the end we will see how the plant is very colourful for spring.

Video of experiment:

Experiment: Protein Construction
Type of Experiment: Biology and human body


o 1 egg white from a raw egg
o 1 fork
o 1 bowl
o 1 clear glass
o Boiling water


1. Pour the boiling water in the clear glass.
2. Pour the raw egg white into the glass.
3. Look at the appearance of the egg.
4. Remove the egg white with the fork.
5. Look at the appearance of the egg.

Video of experiment:

Experiment: Pineapple and Enzyme
Type of Experiment: Biology and Human Body


o Gelatin mix (transparent)
o Two medium glass bowls
o A piece of pineapple


1. Mix the gelatin with warm water.
2. Pour it into the two bowls.
3. Put them in the fridge for 10 hours.
4. Remove the bowls from the refrigerator.
5. Cut a piece of pineapple.
6. Put the pineapple on the jelly in one of the bowls.
7. Put the bowls in the refrigerator sit overnight.
8. Compare the one with pineapple and the one that only contains gelatin.

Video of experiment:

Experiment: Magic Arrows
Type of Experiment: Water refraction


o Water
o Jar or glass
o A paper with two coloured arrows


1. Fill your glass with water.
2. Put the paper with the arrows behind the glass of water.
3. Slowly move the paper back.
4. Look through the glass from the front and observe the arrow.

What is happening? I can see

Video of experiment:

Experiment: Apple and Lime
Type of Experiment: Kitchen Chemistry


o An Apple
o A knife
o A spoon
o Lemon juice


1. Do not peel the apple.
2. Cut the apple in two halves.
3. Put lemon juice on one of the halves.
4. Wait for 3 hours.
5. Check your apple, every hour.
6. What do you see?

Video of experiment:

Experiment: The magical candle
Type of Experiment: Kitchen Chemistry


o 1 candle.
o 1 small plate.
o 1 glass.
o 1 spoon.
o Lighter.
o Water.
o Food colouring


1. Mix the water with a little food colouring.
2. Pour a little water on the plate.
3. Once we have the water on the plate, we will place our candle in the centre and light it with the help of an adult.
4. Place the glass to cover the candle.
What happens?

Video of experiment:

Experiment: Lava Lamp
Kitchen Chemistry


o 1 effervescent tablet
o Water
o 1 Food colouring
o Vegetable oil (Palm oil)
o A clear plastic bottle or jar


1. Pour water into the plastic bottle until it is around one quarter full (you might want to use a funnel when filling the bottle so you don't spill anything).
2. Pour in vegetable oil until the bottle is nearly full.
3. Wait until the oil and water have separated.
4. Add around a dozen drops of food colouring to the bottle (choose any colour you like).
5. Watch as the food colouring falls through the oil and mixes with the water.
6. Cut an Alka-Seltzer tablet into smaller pieces (around 5 or 6) and drop one of them into the bottle, things should start getting a little crazy, just like a real lava lamp!
7. When the bubbling stops, add another piece of Alka-Seltzer and enjoy the show!
8. For an authentic lava lamp experience, do this experiment in a darkened room and put a bright torch behind the jar. Watch the shadows it casts!

Video of experiment:

Experiment: Dancing Salt


o 1 plastic bucket or large bowl
o Coarse salt
o Plastic wrap
o Elastic rubber
o Speaker


1. Connect your speaker to a mobile device via Bluetooth.
2. Put it inside of the cube.
3. Cover your bucket with plastic wrap, and secure it with an elastic band (like a drum).
4. Spread some grains of salt across the surface.
5. Play your music on the speaker, and see how it jumps salt to the rhythm of your favourite songs.

Video of experiment:

Experiment: The diving cork
Type of Experiment: Kitchen Chemistry



o 1 bowl
o Water
o 1 food colouring
o 1 cork stopper
o 1 glass or cup
o 1 container or large glass
o 1 spoon


1. Pour water in a container.
2. Add 4 drops of food colouring.
3. Pour the water in the bowl.
4. Drop the cork in the middle of the plate.
(As we see, the cork does not sink and no matter how hard we try it always comes back to life. But what will happen if we put a glass on it?)
5. Put the glass upside down and cover the cork
(When we cover the cork with the glass, we see that the water mysteriously withdraws and the cork sinks.)
If we remove the glass, we see that the water reappears and the cork floats again.
 What fun, right?

Video of experiment:

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