Wednesday, February 17, 2021

6º: Home



  1. Where do you live?
  2. Do you live in a house or flat?
  3. Describe your house or flat.
  4. How many rooms are there in your house?
  5. What is there in your living room? What do you do there?
  6. What is there in your bedroom? What time do you usually go to bed?
  7. What is there in your kitchen? What do you do there?
  8. Do you have a garden? Are you good at gardening? What do you do in your garden?
  9. Do you like spending time at home? Why/not?
  10. Do you prefer living in the city or the country? Why?
  11. Who does the housework in your family? What do they do?

Explain and Discuss

  • Home sweet home.
  • Home is where the heart is.
  • A man's home is his castle.
  • Charity begins at home.

Describe the picture



Monday, February 15, 2021

PET speaking 2021

Personal Information

Describe pictures

Useful Language

Talking about different parts of the picture (prepositions)
on the right/left
at the top/bottom
in the top/bottom left/right corner
in the centre
in the foreground/background
next to / near
in front of / behind
Describing the people in the picture
He’s/She’s got long/short/dark/fair/brown/red/grey hair.
He’s/She’s got blue/brown/green/grey eyes.
He’s/She’s tall/short/slim/big.
He’s/She’s wearing + clothes
Describing the actions in the picture
We always use the present continuous to describe what is happening in a photo.
Example: He is watching TV. She is writing an email on her laptop.
Speculating about the things in the picture
He/She might be + -ing/adjective
I think/believe that…
It looks/seems like he/she is + -ing/adjective

How to describe pictures?

  1. Describe the person/people in the picture first (appearance, What are they doing?, possible feelings)
  2. Describe their surroundings (Where are they? What objects are around them? Are the people doing anything with the things around them?)

Parts 3 and 4: Interaction with Pictures and Conversation Questions related to Part 3 theme.

Useful Language

Giving your opinion
In my opinion, …
I think/believe/feel …
For me, …
I would say …
I agree/disagree.
I (don’t) think so.
I see your point.
Yes, but …
Inviting your partner to speak
What do you think?
What about you?
And you?
Do you agree?
What is your opinion?

Monday, February 8, 2021

Picture Storytelling

 Today we are going to practise telling stories using pictures.

 Step 1: 

Look at the pictures and think about the words that you know for the things you can see.

Step 2:

Look at the things that are the same and the things that are different. 

Step 3:

Look at the people how are they feeling in each picture.

Step 4:

Add time words such as one day, once upon a time, then, etc. 
Here are some to help you:

Picture Storytelling:

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Third Conditional



1. If you had been born 100 years earlier, how would your life have been different?
       If I had been born 100 years earlier, I:
  • ... (not/have) a mobile phone.
  • ... (see) films in black & white. 
  • ... (not/play) online games.
2. If you had been born into a very rich family, how would your childhood have been different?
       If I had been born into a very rich family, I: 
  • ... (go) to a different school.
  • ... (live) in a very big house. 
3. If you had been given a million dollars for your 10th birthday, how would you have spent it?
  • ... (buy) a lot of clothes, video games, etc.
4. If it had been sunny, what would you have done?
  • ... (go) to the park.
  • ... (play) with my friends.
  • ... (eat) ice-cream.
5. If somebody had invited you to an all-night party last weekend, would you have gone?
  • Yes - (go)
  • No - (not/go)
6. If you had found a thousand euros or dollars in the street this morning, what would you have done?
  • (Give) to the police.
  • (Tell) my parents.
  • (Keep) the money.
7. If you had been able to eat whatever you wanted as a baby, what would you have eaten?

8. If you had gone to the cinema last Saturday, which film would you have seen?
9. If you had met a homeless person in the street this morning, would you have given them some money?
10. If you had been your country’s leader for the past 10 years, would you have done anything differently?
11. If you had been able to choose your career when you were a child, what would you have chosen?
12. If a bully at school had told you to give him your lunch money, would you have given it to him?
13. If you had been offered the answers to your English test, would you have taken it?

Sentences: Make third conditional sentences.

Verb Chart

Monday, February 1, 2021

Relative Clauses

Relative Clauses: Online Game
Read the instructions. Click on the link below.

Practice Online Game

Fill in the gaps: Click the link below and do the activity.

Kahoot: Relative Clauses

Present Perfect Continuous Tense



We use for to talk about a period of time.

E.g. "I haven't smoked for weeks."


We use since to talk about a specific point in time, or a time when the action started.

E.g. "I haven't smoked since 2010."

Sentences: Fill in the gaps

She  (study) English for 5 years. 

2. Peter  (come) here on holiday every year since 1989. 

3. She  (teach) our group for two years. 

4. How long  (you wait) here? 

5. It  (rain) for over 2 hours. 

6. I  (write) this report for 5 days.

7. Mr Brown  (work) in this office for 2 years. 

8. My dog  (not eat) properly. I must take him to the vets.

9. Jane  (lie) in the sun for too long. 

10. I  (try) to stop smoking since 1985


How long.... 

  1. (live) in this town?
  2. (watch) your favourite TV series?
  3. (go) to Garcia Lorca?
  4. (play) your favourite sport?
  5. (take) classes at this school?
  6. (live) where you live now?
  7. (eat) fruits and vegetables?
  8. (use) a mobile phone?
  9. (learn) English?

Happy Halloween

  Spiderweb Craft Materials: salt orange liquid watercolour Q-tip or paintbrush black card stock glitter white glue Instructions: https://to...