Saturday, May 30, 2020

Speaking with Mabee (Towns/Cities)

  • For this week, we are going to talk about Towns and Cities.

          Here are some of the questions about Towns and cities that you can practice at home.

here are some vocabulary words and their definitions for you to know.

Here is an example of PET speaking questions and answers about towns/cities that can help you brainstorm about what to say.

Here is a link of a video of me answering the questions in order for everyone to have ideas. (Click here to watch the video).

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Speaking with Chad, May 25th to May 29th.

Here are the videos to help you prepare for speaking with Chad, the week of May 25th to May 29th. The topic is At The Restaurant. There are 2 parts:

The card itself is below.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Family and Friends

Today, we are going to talk about Family and Friends.

Please watch the presentation below.
If you have any problems viewing it. Click here to see the PowerPoint version.
The presentation has four sections:

Section 1: Forming questions about the familySection 2: Describing family membersSection 3: Mini Quiz- on family membersSection 4: KET and PET Speaking practice (You can find the exercises below)

(Grades 3-4) Section 1: Forming Questions about Family
Think about 2 questions that you can ask someone about his or her family.
Family Questions:
How many people are in your family?
Is your family big or small? 
Do you have any brothers or sisters? 
Let’s now think about some harder questions. See if you can find a friend and ask him or her your 2 questions and any of the questions below.
What does your family usually do on Sundays?
Does your family eat meals together? What else do you do together?
Can you describe one of your family members?

Section 2: Describing family members
Click on Picture Dictionary  to see some words that you can use to describe people:
She has got...
He has got... 

Now, Let’s see if you can describe these people. Remember you use he has got or she has got:
Let’s take it a step further. Can you describe their clothes. He or she is wearing (a + clothes). Who wants to describe this family?
Section 3: Mini Quiz
(Grades 5-6)- Section 4: KET and PET speaking exercises
Instructions: I’m going to describe a situation to you. You want to organise a trip with your friends on Saturday. Talk together about where you could go, and decide which place would be the best.
All right? Talk together.

Exercise 2:
Instructions: Now, in this part you are going to talk together. Choose a partner. Ready? Let’s go. Here are some pictures that show different places to eat. Do you like these different places to eat? Say why or why not. I'll say that again… All right? Now, talk together. You can use the questions on the right to help you.
Help: Do you think eating at fast food restaurants is healthy? Do you think having a picnic in the park is cheap? Do you think eating at school is fun? Do you think going to a restaurant with your family is fun? Do you think eating at home is boring? Which of these places to eat do you like best?

Friday, May 22, 2020

Happy Halloween

  Spiderweb Craft Materials: salt orange liquid watercolour Q-tip or paintbrush black card stock glitter white glue Instructions: https://to...